[uxgraz] New UX Graz Community Organiser

Keith Andrews kandrews at iicm.edu
Wed Jul 15 13:30:01 CEST 2020

Hi all,

It has been a while since Konrad or I found time to organise
a meetup or event for the UX Graz community.

Johannes Lehner <email at johannes-lehner.at> has volunteered to take up
the slack and inject some new momentum into the community.
[Johannes is Regional Representative of UXPA Austria (User Experience
Professionals Association), a professional body for UX designers and

UX Graz was always designed to be a loose community of interest with
no membership fees and free meetups and events and will stay that
way. Anyone who has interest and time is welcome to get involved
and should contact Johannes by email.

I will continue to maintain the UX Graz mailing list (this list):


Johannes will use the hashtag #UXGraz on social media:

   https://twitter.com/uxgraz            [rebranding shortly]

to promote UX Graz events and is setting up a separate UX Graz
meetup.com channel and a new web site. UXPA Austria events will remain

We are looking forward to some of the new ideas and to participating
in future.

Keith and Konrad

ps. Johannes is organising an online event tomorrow:

   Hands-On UX | How to Convince Clients to Invest in UX?
   Thu 16 Jul 2020 18:30-20:30

   [Note: This event is listed on the UXPAA-Meetup channel,
    because the UX Graz meetup channel is not quite ready yet
    (there is a holdup with the name).]


Keith Andrews             ISDS, Graz University of Technology, Austria

https://isds.tugraz.at/keith            "No wild kangaroos in Austria"

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